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Why Flexible Dieting Doesn't Work For You

What?! But Karli, aren't you all about Flexible Dieting and how it works for everyone?!


BUT if the only reason you're interested in flexible dieting or IIFYM is because you can eat doughnuts, then I think you need a reality check.

“Flexible dieting is simple: you eat whatever foods you like that fill your allowance of proteins, carbs and fats and the foundation of your diet should be built upon foods that contain a rich micronutrient profile.” -Krissy Mae Cagney

Straight from the Flexible Dieting Queen herself, the foundation of your diet should be built on foods that are full of nutrients! Fruits, vegetables, lean meats....they are all very important and necessary in your diet, ESPECIALLY if you plan to crush the next Open WOD! Could you imagine eating nothing but donuts and cookies and french fries all day, then trying to get your body up to the intensity required to complete a METCON at RX? I think Pukie the Clown would be visiting more often.

Check out this picture I saw reposted by another very knowledgable flexible dieting advocate/nutrition coach, Jenna, at CrazyHealthyFit (original post by Relentless Strength & Conditioning CrossFit RSC)

I love it so much! It really shows the trth about how most people see Flexible dieting, versus what it actually is! If you are eating well, theres no reason you can't enjoy things like Oreos! Trust me, it's possible. Don't be afraid to ask for help, thats what I am here for! Learn how to control portions and enjoy everything in moderation! BUT honestly, if you don't want to eat oreos and doughnuts, then don't!

I actually one had someone tell me they don't believe "that stuff" and they are happy with Paleo. I said thats great! I'm glad he found a diet that worked for him, but there's nothing wrong with applying the principles of flexible dieting to your Paleo diet (or whatever diet you follow). Isn't it still important to know if you're eating enough protein and not over consuming calories? I think so.

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